Troubleshooting Lightburn
When you have problems with Lightburn. Please follow the steps below to slove it.
Please remove all the device you have created before.
In order to differentiate the device, you can give a name for the new device.
Note: When you have finished creating the device, the first time you need to zero it manually, move the laser to the lower left corner. It can be reset to zero by software operation later.
Step 1: Click Devices

Step 2: Find My Laser, and select Next

Step 3: Found My Laser and Selected Add Device, and Select Next, and Finish

Step 4: If you did not find the laser in step 3, please add the laser manually by following these steps.
GRBL is running under G code, and our machine is also running under G code, so in general, you can choose GRBL, and all three are available.
Step 5: Select "GRBL", and "GRBL-Serial/USB..." appears in the dialog box and select OK

Step 6: Select the port of the link, and "console" displays "Homing OK" to indicate that the link is successful, and then you start to work. lightburn 8-328PDownload lightburn 8-328PDownload lightbur
Note: When you have finished creating the device, the first time you need to zero it manually, move the laser to the lower left corner. Later you can reset it to zero by software operation. If you can't finish the engraving well in this step, please follow the steps below.
Please import the “8-328P lbset” file on the right provided by us into Lightburn software.
Step 7:find the machine settings option from “edit”.

Step 8:Select “load from file” to import the 8-328P.lbset file provided by us, and click write.

Step 9: find the “Device settings” option from edit and Set the working size to 400*400, choose the lower left front as the origin.

NOTE: when you have completed the above operation, the focus has been set, the material is fine, and the the laser is emitted normally. But when you are doing engraving work, the lasers cannot engrave materials. Please follow the steps below to solve it.

Go to "Device Settings" under the "Edit" option. Adjust the “S-value max” to the maximum value of 99999.